How cold damages our body - Chinese Medicine perspective
How Cold affect the digestion The intestines need to be kept warm for the digestive enzymes to function efficiently. The intestinal...

Chinese Medicine Explained
Years ago I suffered a nasty bout of wrist pain. The symptoms could have derived from any of repetitive motions that my daily routine...

Health in the Chinese New year of the Yellow Dog
February 16th, 2018 was the start of the Chinese Year of the Yellow Dog. From a Chinese medical perspective, the colour Yellow relates...

The Balancing Act
We are born with sufficient energy to last the length of the life given to us. We are constantly consuming and renewing our energy in...

What is Good Health?
What is good Health? Health encompasses the state of physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. A good state of health is when, the...

What is Chinese Medicine?
What is Chinese Medicine and how does it work to maintain Good Health? Chinese Medicine is a complete medical system that deals with Qi...